5 Tips to Win Loyal Clients as a Cam Girl

Who says working from home is boring? It can be an exciting and even pleasurable experience if you’re a cam girl. But you don’t want to be just another cam girl, you want to be THE cam girl. That’s when you rake in the big bucks. But do you know what differentiates an average cam girl from a wildly successful one? Just one thing – a loyal fan base of returning clients. So, if you’ve just started out or looking to grow your following, check out these tips to convert your first-time visitors into regulars.

1.    Create a Sexy Character

The first rule of camming is to not reveal your real identity. That’s a good idea for more than just security reasons. It gives you the opportunity to create a new, seductive alter ego. This is your chance to reimagine yourself, be be the person you always wanted to be, or create a new character from your fantasy. Get as creative as you can, and remember to change any sensitive details that could give away your identity.

Now, give your character a memorable name and backstory. Be careful about this story because you’ll need to remember every little detail about it – your audience will lap up your story and notice any consistencies. So, if you’ve told them you’re from Putney one day, you can’t change that to Blackheath or Hampstead the next day.

Inconsistencies can erode trust. Everyone knows that you aren’t using your real identity, but they still like to believe that what they’re seeing on their screen is real. And when they notice inconsistencies, you’ll lose your fans pretty quickly.

2.    Consistency in Every Way

Treat camming like a job. Create a work schedule and stick to it. You will get repeat clients when they are sure of your timings. This is also true of any time commitments you might make to a client. If you’ve mentioned that you will be online tomorrow at 5:00pm, make sure you show up on time. It can be incredibly frustrating for clients to log in, keep waiting, and then you’re a no show. Would you go on a second date with someone who didn’t turn up for the first?

Consistency equals reliability, which is a virtue in any profession. In fact, when you have predictable timings, you can advertise that easily, rather than randomly showing up and expecting to find repeat clients.

That brings us to the next thing – promoting yourself on the cam site.

3.    Everyone Loves Freebies

When you start off on a cam site, you might get some free promotion credits. Even if you aren’t new to the site, take full advantage of any options for free chats, audio or video. Use these freebies to give clients a teaser of what to expect from the paid version. For instance, on AdultWork, customers can earn credits to use the Free Chat feature. As a cam girl, you can view which customers have enough credits for a Free Chat. Go ahead and invite them for a chat with you and win them over.

You could also use any facilities the cam site offers for advertising. For instance, you may be able to pay to appear on the top of the search results pages of the site for up to 24 hours. This can maximise your exposure, since everyone who searches for anything on the site will be able to see you right on top.

Don’t forget to check if there are any free video or audio clip options available for customers on the cam site. Upload teaser videos and audio, which might be short but very impactful in giving you the exposure you need to win over customers.


4.    Don’t Try Too Hard

If you act like you’re there just for the money, you’re very likely to lose clients. Your customers want authentic experiences and to believe that you’re enjoying yourself and want to be there with them. So, when we say treat it like a job, we don’t mean act the way most people do in office – look bored! In fact, we would say, get your clients so involved that it takes their focus away from their wallets and onto you. Chill, have a good time and your viewers will have a good time too.

This also means that you should invest in your appearance. The more desirable and fascinating you look, the more likely people are to want to spend time with you. Start with feeling good about yourself and your body. When you feel attractive, it reflects in the way you talk and behave, which then attracts others to you. And remember not to put too much pressure on yourself. If you’re having fun, your customers will have fun too.

Having said that, it is also important to set boundaries. Clients are likely to ask you personal questions if they like you. You need to decide on what you will reveal. It is best not to reveal any real personal information, such as where you actually live, your real name, etc. You can be honest about liking whipped cream licked off your body though! Also, decide what you are comfortable doing on camera and how you will respond to clients who ask for something you are uncomfortable about. It could be a good idea to talk to more experienced cam girls to see how they deal with such experiences.

5.    Be Active on the Site and Social Media

Upload videos, photos, erotic stories and just about anything else the site allows. Do this regularly. Put up new, original content to maximise exposure and give your fans more reasons to spend on you. If you’re comfortable communicating on social media or if the cam site has a forum that you can join, make sure you participate regularly here too. The more you do, the more people will see you.

Plus, these are great ways to showcase your personality. While you might have created an on-screen character for yourself, turn up the seductive and assertive part of your personality. Be ready to try new things and push the limits. But remember to vary what you post on the site and social media. And don’t forget to respond to people who start a conversation. This is a great way to build long-lasting relationships.


Bonus Tip

It may seem obvious, but remember to smile. Smiling is a subtle way to show sincerity and friendliness. It is almost infectious, making those watching you feel happy and optimistic too. And when people are happy when they spend time with you, they’ll definitely want to come back for more.


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