Free support for premium studios

Your goals are our goals. It's as simple as that. We work to ensure that every project, no matter how big or small, gets the resources it needs to succeed. 

Create and manage your own unique Group to add webcam, video, images and chat services to your existing business model, generating new sources of revenue and expanding your reach into our own extensive customer base waiting to see you on Live Cam and buy new content.

With your own Group you are partnering with a solid, recognisable and reputable brand with a clear track record in delivering increased profits to its many existing Group Owners. With over 10 million monthly site visits and in excess of 2 million webcam sessions in the last 3 months, we offer the strength, stability and substance to back your business growth. Groups are completely FREE to set up.

Our only charges, other than optional positioning fees are our marketing and administration fee of 30%, deducted from your earnings at the point you withdraw your sales income. No sales - No fee!

An AW Group is a collection of individual profiles (Studio) operating under the common management of one Group Owner who takes responsibility

for creating, maintaining, managing and marketing all the individual profiles within the Group in return for a fee levied on Group member earnings.

The projects we're involved in

Why should I set up a Group?

A Group enables you to increase and diversify your business income with new digital revenue streams and greater exposure to the marketplace.

Whether your members wish only to continue offering Live Cam sessions or whether they want to expand into digital content sales, this can all be managed, controlled and monetised by you as the Group Manager.

Our Group Manager tools ensure you have complete control over the profiles under your management with full access to every aspect of each members profile.

Use your own unique webcam Studio on your own premises (subject to individual State laws) to boost your income during quiet periods.

Add existing AW Members to your group or create new members from scratch.

We market your members!

You run your own business and promote it online to attract new clients. Generally, this means that unless they have been recommended by a friend, viewed your social media or found you via a traditional or online search, they could completely miss your offering. approach it from a different angle and focus on promoting the individual member rather than your business itself.

A client will visit our platform looking for an individual rather than a specific Studio or establishment and will use our comprehensive search engine to narrow their search by location, height, hair colour, ethnicity and even chest size.

Only when they have found a profile they like, will they follow through to a possible Live Cam session.

Why should someone join my Group?

As the Group Manager you provide the service and skills your members may not have such as marketing, copywriting, advertising, photography, managing Special Offers, phone bookings and enquiries. They are willing to pay for your expertise and time.

Your Group members are being showcased on a platform that has over 10 million monthly website visits and in excess of 2 million webcam sessions booked in the last 3 months. This is a customer base actively looking for new bookings and content.

Just as an individual sees the benefit in joining a Studio to gain extra work or be part of a collective environment, the same applies when joining your Group.

It is completely free to create your own AW Group and to operate it on the AW Live platform.

Market your Group!

Expand your business further by using your unique Group URL to promote your group via social media, attracting interest from new members and customers based on your well organised/presented and successful member profiles.

Each individual profile has their own unique URL – market this on social media to drive a buyer to new member content.

We provide the tools for you to make the most of your existing business resources and the more members you have in your Group the greater exposure your business will have.

Learn more

We approach each challenge with fresh energy and inspiration, so you get the best results. 

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